| adverse events

Patient Safety: Preemptive Pharmacogenetic/omic (PGx) Testing

Revolutionizing Patient Safety: Preemptive Pharmacogenetic/omic (PGx) Testing

Step into the future of healthcare with preemptive pharmacogenetic/omic (PGx) testing, as explored by researchers Santenna Chenchula, Shubham Atal, and Chakradhara Rao S Uppugunduri in their recent article, "A Review of Real-World Evidence on Preemptive Pharmacogenomic Testing for Preventing Adverse Drug Reactions: A Reality for Future Health Care." This pioneering method aims to prevent adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and enhance patient safety.


Discover the compelling real-world evidence that showcases the transformative impact of preemptive PGx testing across diverse patient groups. This approach promises to revolutionize healthcare by providing personalized medicine tailored to individuals' genetic and omic profiles, thereby minimizing risks and maximizing therapeutic efficacy.


A systematic review of diverse real-world studies includes the results of the PREPARE trial, demonstrating a remarkable 33% reduction in ADRs among those who underwent testing compared to those under standard care in 6944 patients, reinforcing the urgent need to integrate genetic testing into routine clinical practice. Echoing these findings, the PREDICT program at Vanderbilt University Medical Center found widespread prevalence of pharmacogenetic variations, supporting preemptive PGx testing to revolutionize patient care while cutting costs.


With promising insights from various robust studies, preemptive PGx testing emerges as a powerful tool for predicting and preventing ADRs, ultimately improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.


For further insights, you can access the original article here.

Adam Marks
